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Eastern European news and insights

Welcome to PROPUBLIKO, your premier online destination for insightful analysis and reliable information on the economy. In a world inundated with misinformation and sensationalism, we stand as a beacon of truth, grounded in data from reputable sources, and dedicated to fostering informed public discourse.


At EconoInsight, we understand the power and responsibility of media in shaping public perception, especially on crucial socio-economic issues. That's why we not only provide accurate economic analysis but also actively scrutinize and caution against the spread of harmful narratives gaining traction, particularly those concerning vital topics such as vaccinations, migration, environmental hazards like the Chernobyl radioactive cloud, or the alleged negative impacts of 5G technology.


In an era dominated by the digital revolution and the rise of social media, the traditional gatekeepers of information have waned in influence. Now, the landscape is crowded with a myriad of voices, from citizen journalists to influencers, each vying for attention. However, not all possess the necessary expertise or ethical standards. 


In this environment, the timeliness of information often supersedes its accuracy, and the rigorous editorial processes of traditional media are often absent. At PROPUBLIKO, we recognize the importance of upholding journalistic integrity. Each piece undergoes thorough fact-checking and verification processes, adhering to the highest standards of accuracy and reliability.


Our mission is clear: to empower our readers with accurate, data-driven insights, and to elevate the quality of public discourse on economic matters. Whether you're a seasoned economist, a curious citizen, or a policymaker, PROPUBLIKO is your trusted ally in navigating the complexities of the modern economy. Join us in shaping a more informed and enlightened society.

Our team

Redaktor Naczelny

Marcin Skrzypkowski


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Mikołaj Grabiński


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